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Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD)

Alcohol and Other Drugs Support and Information

At the Student Health and Counseling Center, we are committed to the health and wellness of our Fresno State students, and we encourage the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. Below is more information and resources/programs regarding alcohol and other drugs. For questions about any of the information listed on this page, please call our office at 559.278.2734.

This page is currently in the process of being updated, so please check back periodically for additional information. Thank you for your patience!


Reverse Opioid Overdose

Learn How to Use

Programs and Services

From WATCHDOG to Narcan information, learn about the programs and services regarding alochol and other drugs.

  Programs and Services  

Campus and Legislative Policies  

Dive into Alcohol Policy, DAPP,  and other campus (drug) policies here. 

  About AOD Policies  

Community/Online Resources

Learn how to help someone you love, access self assesments, and more.

  Access Additional Resources  

Substances and Support 

Learn more about alcohol and other drugs, their health effects, and support. 

  About Substances and Support  

Bulldogs for Recovery (B4R)

Discover a safe space for coping with substance use to improve health, wellness and student success.

  More Information  

Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Council (AODAC)

Meet our Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Council! 

  Meet the Council