Bulldog Bound

Bulldog Bound High School Counselor Conference

Save the Date
Friday, April 11, 2025 8:30 AM - 1 PM
Join us on campus! Learn the latest updates and plans for the Bulldog Bound Program
and the California College Guidance Initiative.
Informational Flyers-Translated
Bulldog Bound Flyer- Mobile App
Informational Flyers-Translated
Bulldog Bound Flyer- Mobile App

Event Requests
Schedule your campus Cal State Apply Workshops, College Fair/Night Request, and Parent Informational Nights.
Request Now
Join our Bulldog Bound Counselor Listserv
Stay up to date with the latest information about the program, events, and more.
Join Now
Campus Tour Requests
Fresno State provides an opportunity for groups from high schools to receive a group guided tour. To scheudle your group tour please contact out our Campus Tours Office at 559.278.2048 or email outreachcampustours@csufresno.edu to make your request. You can expect a response from our office within two business days.