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Campus Advisors Network

Advisor Training

New Advisor Training

New Advisor Training is for anyone new to their advising role or someone who wants to brush up on the basics. The training is designed for you to attend all 3 days. 

January 13, 14 and 15

8:30 AM to Noon, RSU Room 206

Register Here for New Advisor Training

Space is limited to the first 25 participants

Next Level Training

Next Level Training is for anyone who wants to take a deeper look into the given topics. You can attend one or both days. 

January 13 - 1:00pm to 4:00pm

  • Steps to Success Tools
  • Academic Petitions
  • Registrar Forms 

Register Here for Next Level Advisor Traning

January 14 - 1:00pm to 4:00pm

  • Grade Protest 
  • Probation and Disqualification 
  • Returning Students 
  • Bulldog Connect 

Space is limited to the first 25 participants

We do not suggest attending New and Next Level in the same days as there are some topic repeats.  Training is limited to the first 25 registrations for each session. We can look into offering more sessions in Spring 2025 if we exceed our enrollment capacity.

The training consists of the following modules:

Module 1 includes information on NACADA advising core competencies, advising structure at Fresno State & advising fundamentals.

Module 2 covers the academic calendar, English & Math placement, AP/CLEP/IB information, general education and FERPA.

Module 3 provides information on the various majors/minors offered at Fresno State.  It also includes the graduation requirements and information on Title V.

Module 4 includes information on some of the different advising technologies available at Fresno State to advisors including: PeopleSoft, U Achieve, and Bulldog Connect.

Module 5 provides advising information when working with the following student populations: academic probation/disqualification, returning student, undeclared, international students, athletes, veterans and other special programs.

Module 6 refers to commonly used forms from the registrar's office, memos that are referred to often & other campus resources.

If you have any questions regarding advisor training, please contact Heather van der Paardt at