Educational Opportunity Program and
Special Support Programs
Telling Our EOP Stories
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) has provided access and opportunity for students to attain higher education in California for over 40 years. Here at CSU, Fresno, EOP currently serves over 1500 students. Our EOP students are actively engaged in the educational process and highly involved on campus and in our communities. As a result, the Telling Our EOP Stories Project has been launched to document, highlight, and celebrate the important work of our students. Telling Our EOP Stories will be a monthly online feature published via the EOP Listserv and posted to our website.
We hope to be able to share your story. Please contact John Lor at 278-1787 or if you have an EOP story that you would like to share.
View Issues
Spring 2014
Spring 2013
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2011