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Educational Opportunity Program and
Special Support Programs

Educational Opportunity Program

Photo Gallery

EOP Graduates

EOP Graduation Ceremony

The EOP Graduation Ceremony is held to acknowledge EOP Graduating students' hard work and accomplishment of attaining a college degree. Families are welcome to attend the event to see their graduate in a more intimate setting. EOP students that attend will receive a certificate of achievement and an EOP stole to wear at University Commencement.

View EOP Graduation Photo Gallery
EOP Summer Bridge

EOP Summer Bridge

Summer Bridge is a two-week in-person residential program that supports the transition of first-time freshman to the University. The program is designed to provide an orientation-to-college experience that offers students information and tools to successfully navigate the campus, and opportunity to enhance math skill levels, and support systems and student advocates.

Visit Summer Bridge Photo Gallery
EOP Connect Day

EOP Connect Day

Meet your EOP and Special Programs support team and your peers, review resources and information, and ask questions, for a successful start to your first semester at Fresno State.

View the EOP Connect Day photo Gallery
First Generation College Celebration

First-Generation College Celebration

National First-Generation College Student Day is a dedicated occasion to celebrate the resilience, achievements, and pioneering spirit of students who are the first in their families to attend college.

View the First-Generation College Celebration Photo Gallery
EOP Peer Mentors

EOP Peer Mentors

EOP 1st and 2nd year students are assigned to a peer mentor who provides support, encouragement, and guidance.

Visit the EOP Peer Mentor Photo Gallery
EOP Social Events

EOP Social Events

Bringing EOP students together to build community and a sense of belonging through meaningful and intentional events.

View EOP Social Events Photo Gallery