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Survivor Advocacy Services



  • Believe, validate and support them.
  • Listen and be there without judgment.  
  • Offer to go with them to report the incident if they want to. 
  • Encourage and offer to go with them to the Survivor Advocate.
  • Be patient. There is no timeline in recovering from trauma. 
  • Validate their emotions. There is no "normal" response.
  • Empower them to make decisions for themselves.


  • Blame them. The only person at fault is the person who perpetrated the harm.
  • Tell anyone else what happened unless they gave you permission.
  • Pressure them into reporting or tell them that it is their responsibility to report. 
  • Threaten to hurt the person that hurt them. 

  • The best way to help a friend who has experienced sexual violence, dating/domestic violence or stalking is to BELIEVE, VALIDATE, and SUPPORT them.
  • It is normal to struggle with your own emotions when told, or to even be triggered by your own past experiences.
  • It is important to not tell your friend what to do. Interpersonal violence is about power and control, so it's important for your friend to be empowered to make their own decisions.

  • Provide support to the student by believing them and not pressuring them to explain details of what happened.
  • Please inform them that you are a mandated reporter. Let them know the two confidential resources (Survivor Advocate and Counseling at Student Health and Counseling Center).
    Example: “Thank you for trusting me enough to share this information. I’m sorry to interrupt you but I want you to be aware of my legal obligations to report to the Title IX Coordinator but will keep your information private and only share this information with those that need to know. You do not have to speak with anyone if you do not want to.”
  • The Survivor Advocate on campus is available to help. The advocate is trained to work with those who have experienced sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking and can offer you help and provide options.
    “Would you like to speak with the Survivor Advocate? We can call, email, or walk to the advocates office.”
  • As a mandated reporter you must report by going to Title IX.
  • You can contact the Survivor Advocate, Fresno State Police Department, or Title IX to get information on how to help.