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student holding an award

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

Student Awards

Nominations for the 2024 DOSAEM Student Awards are open now through March 28. 
Award criteria and nomination forms are below. 


Award Categories

  • Achievement of Excellence in the Arts: For students who have contributed to community-building efforts and engagement in one or more mediums (i.e. manage one of the on-campus literary publications). Students may also have a significant art practice that has contributed to/uplifted the campus and/or its community (i.e. student painted a mural for the Boy and Girls Club or student has recently showcased a film bringing awareness to an underrepresented population in the Valley). 
  • Achievement of Excellence in Collaborative Efforts and Engagement: For students who have led efforts in cross-department collaborations. Students may have played a role in partnerships within the division or played a role in building bridges between the division and other areas on campus. The work of the student will have benefitted other students and/or the campus community at-large. 
  • Achievement of Excellence in Community Service: Recognizes a student's impact on the Fresno community. The student may be a volunteer or mentor through an on- or off-campus organization. 
  • Achievement of Excellence in Health and Wellness: For students who have led efforts to improve the health of the community. Students may teach their peers healthy lifestyle habits, make healthcare accessible to underserved populations, etc.  
  • Achievement of Excellence in Science and Technology: For students who have made innovative scientific/technological contributions to the campus and/or its community. Students may be involved in breakthrough laboratory research, redesigning technology used on campus, etc. 
  • Achievement of Excellence in Sustainable Innovation and Practices: For students who have led efforts to make the campus and/or its community more sustainable (i.e. creating a community garden, leading a recycling program, implementing composting stations on campus). 
  • Outstanding Achievement of Excellence through Resilience: For students who have reached success despite all odds, while making a positive impact on their community (i.e. a first-generation student that mentors K-12 youth, a student who overcame homelessness and provides mental health services). 
  • Vice President's Award for Outstanding Achievement of Excellence: Students may have demonstrated excellence in any of the above categories OR in a field that is not listed above. Students must demonstrate principles of leadership and community engagement and embody the values of the division (belonging, integrity, service, ambition). Awardees in this category will be personally selected by the Vice President of the division.