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Who We Are

Our mission is to educate, empower, and encourage students and their families to access all opportunities to higher education.

Central Valley Cal-SOAP is funded through the California Student Aid Commission, and was established in 1978 to promote access to higher education. We are 1 of 16 programs throughout the state of California serving high school students in Kerman, Golden Plains, Mendota, and Firebaugh Las Deltas school districts. Our program offers online tutoring support, academic advising, financial aid and college aid applications assistance, and career exploration opportunities. We are governed by a Consortium Board. 


The California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP) was established by the state legislature in 1978.

Today, Cal-SOAP is instrumental in improving the flow of information about post-secondary education and financial aid as well as raising the achievement levels of low-income, elementary, and secondary school students residing in geographic regions with documented low-eligibility, college participation rates, and who are first in their families to attend college.


The Cal-SOAP program is administered and funded by the California Student Aid Commission. Individual projects apply each year for continued state funding. By law, each state allocation must be matched by an equal or higher level of local resources.

For more information, please visit the CSAC website:


Academic Activities such as classroom presentations on learning styles, academic tutoring and test preparation.

Advisement Activities such as providing process information to students or parents regarding financial aid awareness and/or accessing postsecondary opportunities.

Advisement activities may also include college fairs, college tours, college application workshops, financial aid workshops, loan counseling, mentoring/advising or career exploration.

Outreach Activities include community events/meetings such as program orientations, open houses, career days, parent nights, etc.