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Resources for Parents

As a parent, you play an integral role in your child’s academic and social development. You lay the foundation for their future. If you’d like to learn more about how Cal-SOAP can help your child(ren) thrive, please contact us directly to learn more about what we offer.

Here are some additional resources you can use to help your child(ren) thrive in school, work, and life.


  1. Set high expectations.
  2. Meet with your child and their college counselor in high school.
  3. Get involved in the application process.
  4. Encourage and support your child during their senior year of high school and first year of college.


  1. Share the application and selection process with your family.
  2. Determine what help you will need during your senior year.
  3. Seek support from your family, school, and community to reach your goals.
  4. Allow for mistakes; they are part of the learning process.

Financial Literacy

Federal Student Aid (FSA)

FSA gives parents the information they need to save for college, learn about financial aid, and help their child complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). FSA also provides in depth resources on college and financial aid in both English and Spanish.  

Middle Class Scholarship / Clase media Beca

Fund your Future / Invierte En Tu Futuro

CV Cal-SOAP Offers

  • College and career exploration
  • College admissions assistance
  • Family college knowledge
  • Family financial aid nights and financial literacy
  • Cash for College Campaign (regional initiative)
  • Financial aid and scholarship application assistance


Resources for Schools

Information and resources for high school counselors and staff at Firebaugh, Kerman, Mendota, and Tranquillity High School.

Basic Needs Resources


If you or someone you know needs help to get safe or stay safe from an abusive relationship, contact information the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1.800.799.SAFE (7233) which is a 24/7/635 hotline and confidential chat feature.

Other Local Resources:

Marjaree Mason Center: 24-hour Crisis Hotline (559) 233-4357

Crime Victim Assistance Center

Fresno County 

Rape Counseling Service & Hotline
(559) 222-RAPE (7273)


Fresno County Behavioral Health

Trina Frazier- All 4 Youth FCSS (559)443-4800

Centro La Familia Advocacy Services

Making the Connection Resources

Covid-19 Resources

More information and resources about COVID-19 Visit

Vaccination Information
As of April 15, 2021, vaccines are available to all persons 16+ years of age. 

Vaccination Clinics
How do I make an appointment? Californians can make an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine by using the MyTurn appointment system. 

Some local health authorities have additional vaccination appointments. Use the CDC’s VaccineFinder to find an appointment near you.

Vaccine Information

Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine