Central California Educational Opportunity Center
Contact us
Our Office
Fresno, CA 93710
Fresno Area Express (FAX) Bus Routes
The following are bus lines that will take you to or near our office. Currently masks are required for all passengers and bus drivers. Base cash fare is $1.00. Reduced cash fare of $0.50 with valid ID for seniors (65 years or older), people with disabilities, and medicare card holders. Children 12 and under ride for free. Active military or Veterans ride for free with vaild ID.
(Per: Fresno Department of Transportation as of 12/21/21)
Stop at the Fashion Fair Mall or near Bank of America. Our building is located across the street from the Fashion Fair Mall, next to Bank of America.
Use the stop on Fresno and Shaw, walk toward the Fashion Fair Mall. Our building is located next to Men's Warehouse, across from the Fashion Fair Mall.
Use the stop on Shaw and 1st. Walk down Shaw toward the Fashion Fair Mall. Our building is next to Bank of America, across the street from the Mall.
This is a Clovis Route. Use the stop at Cedar and Shaw. Walk down Shaw, pass 1st St. Our building is next to Bank of America, across from the Fashion Fair Mall.