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Essential Needs

Food Resources


Student Cupboard

The Amendola Family Student Cupboard is a free food resource on Fresno State’s campus in the Industrial Technology Building Room 144. Parking is available in P20 for currently enrolled Fresno State students. Students are able to choose from a variety of healthy nutritious foods including, milk, not dairy milk, meats, vegetables, fruits, canned items and tortillas. 

We want every student and their families to feel supported by their University and community. If we do not have enough to supplement your food budget, you can meet with a case manager or a community agency to access additional resources.

Connect with the Student Cupboard

CalFresh - Apply for CalFresh

CalFresh is a nutrition assistance program that helps low-income individuals and families buy the food they need. CalFresh dollars help stretch a tight food budget and help many people afford to incorporate healthy foods like fruits and vegetables into their diets. 

Benefits Cal - Use this link for all social service needs including Medi-Cal:

Apply for CalFresh

Commuter Meal Plans

Meet with a case manager to discuss your eligibility for a commuter meal plan. We provide dining dollars to eateries on campus and meal swipes to the University dining hall. This option helps to ensure students have access to nutrition and a variety of options based on individual needs.
Learn where you can use meal swipes/dining dollars


211 Helpline

Millions of people in the United States experience food, housing, and financial insecurity every year.  Whether you need help paying one bill or many, or are looking for information to help someone else, you are not alone. Your local 211 agency has the most up-to-date information about local assistance that may be available to you.

If you prefer to talk to someone, you can always call 211 to get connected to a local specialist. If you prefer to text, chat online, or search your local 211 online database, find your local 211's other contact information here.

Learn about 211 Helpline

Central CA Food Bank

The food bank gathers and distributes food and provides community leadership on issues related to hunger. Help Feed Our Community. Learn About Our Programs. Food Assistance Available.
Connect with the Central CA Food Bank