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University Advising Center

Grade Protests

The Student Academic Petitions Committee has the responsibility of handling grade protests for all students, undergraduate and postbaccalaureate. Students who believe they have been graded unfairly or incorrectly by an instructor must consult first with the faculty member concerned within the first 15 working days of the following semester and make every effort to resolve the issue. The instructor has five working days to respond. For cases in which an incorrect grade was assigned due to a recording error, the instructor will submit a Grade Correction Request form to the Office of the University Registrar.

If the issue is not resolved, a student must immediately consult with the department chair, who will give the student an answer within 10 working days. If a student still believes that the grade was assigned unfairly or incorrectly after completing this process, the student then may request that the Student Academic Petitions Committee review the issue. To request review, students must immediately make an appointment with an academic counselor in the University Advising Center (visit Joyal 224; call 559.278.1787 or email to discuss their particular situation and to receive a copy of the university’s grade protest policy as well as additional procedural instructions.

Students then must submit a written statement no later than midsemester setting forth all pertinent details to the chair of the Petitions Committee.

Student Success Services

University Advising Center
Email or call to make an appointment