Outreach and Special Programs
Campus Events
Upcoming Events:
Native American Youth Conference
On Friday, September 23, 2016 Native American youth will celebrate California Native American Day by participating in a one-day conference to learn more about college options, application admissions information, financial aid, cultural presentations and campus resources. The event will take place at Fresno State from 9:00-2:30p.m. at the Satellite Student Union. For more information contact Katie Garcia at 559.278-4430 or register at: https://csufresno-fwkfm.formstack.com/forms/native_youth_conference
Past Events:
The 25th Annual Fresno State
First Nations Powwow
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Gourd Dance: 11am, Grand Entry: 12:30, Closing 9pm
Location: O’Neill Park on Barstow Ave. at Woodrow Ave.on the Fresno State campus
Free Admission for all – Families Welcome!
The Public is Invited to Attend, no pets please.
All Drugs and Alcohol are Prohibited
Arts & Crafts Booths, Information Booths, Indian Tacos,
Bring Your Own Chairs
Head Staff – TBA
Info & Vendor Apps contact: Brandy at 559-974-3777 or branbran77@mail.fresnostate.edu
Ruby at 559-776-2044 or rrrinertsen@mail.fresnostate.edu
Fresno State observes Native American month with talks Nov. 7, 17
Two free, public events will highlight Fresno State’s observance of Native American Heritage Month.
Internationally renowned speaker Dr. Michael Yellow Bird, director of Indigenous Tribal
Studies at North Dakota State University,spoke on “The Decolonization of Native American Heritage Month,” on November 7, 2014.
Dr Yellow Bird is one of the most renown indigenous social work researchers in the world and has published seminal volumes on decolonizing social work and indigenous social work. His work challenges dominant ways of narrating social care bringing a more holistic, indigenous perspective to understanding the links between decolonization and social well-being. He has been working with the Department of Social Work and the Pasadena-based Tools for Peace (501 c 3) to develop a recurring retreat series focused on integrative healing, the connection of traumatic social memory and social suffering, and mindfulness practice.
Sponsored by Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, First Nations
Indigenous Students Association.
Fresno State Native American Heritage Month Distinguished Guest Lecturer
Dr. Cornel Pewewardy, Professor and Director of Indigenous Nations Studies at Portland
State University, will examine in a series of three lectures Indigenous peoples’ experience
with colonialism, development, and globalization: Tuesday, Nov. 18, Room AG 109 (West of the Satellite Student Union Bldg.) For more ore information
about Dr. Cornel Pewewardy click here.
3:30 – 4:30pm
Why Society Should not Ignore the Indian Mascot Controversy
5:00 – 6:00pm
How the Grinch Stole Thanksgiving: Alternatives to Celebrating the Thanksgiving Holiday
Wednesday, Nov. 19, Room AG 109 (West of Satellite Student Union Bldg.)
3:00 – 4:30pm
Walk a Mile in My Redface: Indigenous Resurgence and Self- Determination Sustainability
Sponsored by: American Indian Studies Program; American Indian Faculty & Staff Association; First
Nations Indigenous Students Association