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Associated Students, Inc. (ASI)

Budget Call

Associated Students, Inc. is now accepting budget requests for programs and services that uphold, expand, and execute the mission and scope of the organization. Please review the following documents for information on the types of programs ASI may fund, as well as our organization’s mission in forming campus partnerships:

Title V Approved Use of Student Fees (pdf)


ASI Mission Statement (pdf)


Budget Call opens: Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Deadline: Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the ASI Finance Committee. If desired, you are welcome to schedule a hearing with the Finance Committee to explain your request in more detail, though this is not required. The Finance Committee will review each proposal and allocate funds in our operating budget. Once our budget has been approved by the ASI Senate and the University President, we will inform you if you have received program funding which will be made available the next academic year.