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Associated Students, Inc. (ASI)

Club Accounts

Associated Students, Inc. provides recognized student clubs and organizations a safe and convenient way to manage on-campus bank accounts. Having an on-campus account helps reduce the risk of having funds mismanaged or lost due to officer transition. Below are forms and resources to help you open or manage your account.

Click below to download.

Download Signature Agreement Form

The Community Relations Forum is for reimbursing food and giveaway items.

Download Community Relations Form

The Club Account Expense form is used to make payments from your account. Please attach original invoices and receipts. Expense forms must be signed by an authorized club officer and the club advisor.

Allow 7-10 business days for checks to be processed and received.

Download Club Account Expense Form

If you have a speaker, artist, DJ, graphic designer, or other performer providing a service to your club, we will need a completed W-9 from them. This ensures that payment is counted as income

Download W-9 Form

If a speaker, artist, DJ, graphic designer, or other performer is located out-of-state, please have them fill out a 590 form. This form applies to anyone outside of California and certifies an exemption from nonresident withholding. It must be completed along with a W-9.

Download 590

If you have a speaker, artist, DJ, or other performer, we will need a completed Performance Agreement Form, which functions as your proof of payment. The form outlines the services the performer is providing to the club. Please note that the form requires an original signature as well as some personal information from your performer.

Download Performance Agreement

In the event that an original receipt has been misplaced or not itemized, please fill out a missing receipt affidavit certifying the purchase, describing what was purchased and why the original receipt is not present.

Download Missing Receipt Affidavit

For any single payment or multiple payments made in cash totaling over $100, a cash payment form needs to be completed by the purchaser in order to get reimbursed.

Download Reimbursement Form

Club Travel

Effective January 1, 2017, the California Legislature passed AB1887 prohibiting a state agency, department, board, or commission from requiring any state employees, officers, or members to travel to a state that has enacted a law that discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Before making any travel arrangements, please visit the State Attorney General’s website for more information, the list of restricted states, and exceptions.


Reimbursable Expenses


Actual and reasonable meals with a daily maximum of $55/person (receipts required).

  • Breakfast – If departure is on or before 7 a.m.
  • Lunch – If departure is on or before 10 a.m.
  • Dinner – If departure is on or before 4 p.m.


Lodging reimbursement requires receipts and is limited to the actual cost of accommodations, not to exceed the maximum amount of $275 per night.


Types of transportation authorized for club travel include automobiles, railroads, airlines, buses, taxicabs, and other usual means of transportation. Rented vehicles must be through Enterprise only.

If using a privately owned vehicle for travel the reimbursement rate is $.57.5 per mile.


Used for misc. expense items. Incidental rate of $7.00 per 24 hour period is only allowed when the period extends overnight. Expenses include baggage transfer and handling, including reasonable tips.

Travel Forms

BEFORE TRAVEL: Each individual must complete a Travel Request form showing the estimated cost of the trip and approvals from the club and club advisor. You must include any car rental, hotel, airline, and/or conference confirmations. This needs to be turned in two weeks prior to travel.


AFTER TRAVEL: Each individual must complete a Travel Summary in order to receive any reimbursement. You must include all meal, gas, hotel, and any other receipts. You have 60 days after travel to turn in all required documents.