Admissions and Recruitment
Admission Appeals
Undergraduate Students
All applications for admission are reviewed in accordance with CSU admission policy. Denials of admission are made after an extensive review of academic qualifications.
An appeal process is available to students who believe they meet admission requirements or have extenuating circumstances. Appeals must be submitted within 15 days of the date on the 'missed deadline' or 'denied' notification.
Please include your Fresno State ID number in any emails to our office. Complete appeal packets will be reviewed and a decision may take a minimum of 3-4 weeks. Incomplete packets will not be considered. Only one appeal may be submitted for an academic term.
If you have not yet applied to Fresno State and missed the application filing deadline, or would like to appeal your admission decision, please submit the:
Submit Undergraduate Admission Appeal
If you have applied and would like to appeal the decision follow the:
View Instructions for Appealing
All students must be able to meet the academic, accreditation and technical standards required for admission or participation in their chosen program of study. Students with disabilities, therefore, are not excused from course prerequisites, GPA requirements or degree requirements. However, in some limited circumstances, substitution of course requirements based on a documented disability may be appropriate.
Such substitutions are granted only when it is clear that the student’s disability makes completion of the requirement(s) impossible and when the course in question is not a fundamental element of the curriculum. A course substitution means that the credit hours for the course are met through an alternate course. A course substitution may not alter or reduce the number of credits needed for degree completion or create a fundamental alteration in the program of study.
Students should visit their campus’s admissions website for the process to appeal an admission denial when the student’s disability directly impacts their ability to complete an admission requirement.
You will be required to complete a form from the Services for Students with Disabilities Office. Go to the form to submit and complete it.
Questions can be submitted via email to
Graduate Students
Graduate students who want to appeal must visit the Division of Research and Graduate Studies page.