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Go Bold! Go eTranscripts!

Fresno State accepts electronic official transcripts directly from many colleges and universities.  By requesting and sending etranscripts the admissions office will expedite the processing and review of your transcripts. 


Transcript requests will include all courses taken within the State Center Community College District (Fresno City College, Career & Technology Center, FCC Training Institute, Clovis Community College & Clovis/Herndon Campus, Reedley College, Madera Community College, and Oakhurst Center, as well as other associated sites).  

Fresno State will accept electronic transcripts. Please check with your institution to see if they can send it electronically to Fresno State. Please be sure to indicate this preference when making your request. 

For colleges that do not supply electronic transcripts, the school should send the transcripts directly to this mailing address:

Admissions Office
California State University, Fresno
5150 North Maple Avenue M/S JA 57
Fresno, CA 93740-8026
Important: The transcript must be sent directly from the institution. If it is sent from your personal email, it will not be considered official. Thank you.