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Learning Center


Tutoring allows students to set the agenda and move at their own pace within an inclusive and collaborative learning space. In other words, Fresno State's Tutoring program allows students to study efficiently, effectively and feel great about it along the way.


Students learning on white board

Tutoring Schedule

Our Tutors are on standby ready to support students through their academic journey. There's room at the table, can't wait to see you there! Tutoring Schedule
Tutor on laptop

Social Media

Follow us on social media to stay up to date. 
Twitter: @fslc_tutoring | Instagram: @fslearning_tutoring
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Students chatting at tutoring table

Join a Virtual Session

Using Bulldog Connect and your Fresno State username and password, you can self-schedule and manage your online tutoring appointments 24/7.Let's Get Started

Tutor Google Sites

Tutors have compiled resources that will help you with the courses they cover. Go to to get access to content tutors feel will help you along your learning journey. Tutors will often encourage a live experience over a digital one when they post because the dynamics of learning are not fixed.

Tutoring Appointments and Policies

Appointments are available for all tutoring subjects, either in-person or online. The appointment has a limit of 1 course or skill (examples: DS 123, Excel), not a limit of 1 student. Once a student schedules an appointment, the appointment is open to additional students from the same course or skill, so long as they schedule through our front desk. In practice, however, most tutoring appointments end up being 1-on-1 sessions. There are 2 ways to schedule an appointment:

  1. Schedule an appointment yourself. You can view appointment times 24/7 and schedule a 30-minute appointment up to 24 hours in advance. If you’re looking for a specific tutor, find their appointment link on the tutoring schedule, which has the tutor’s name and subject. Examples:, Otherwise, log in to Bulldog Connect with your Fresno State username and password.

  2. Schedule an appointment with the front desk. Open Monday-Thursday 8-6 and Friday 8-5, the front desk can find appointment times and schedule 30-minute or 60-minute appointments, including an immediate appointment if a tutor is available. The front desk can also assist you if you are having trouble self-scheduling or joining your online appointment. Visit the front desk at the lower level of the library, or call 559-278-3052.

  • When the appointment is scheduled, you will get an email confirmation with instructions, including a Zoom link if you have an online appointment. You will receive another email confirmation 24 hours before your appointment.
  • For in-person appointments, go to the front desk to be checked in.
  • For online appointments, go to the Zoom link provided in your email confirmation and wait to be admitted from the waiting room.
  • If you need to cancel or reschedule, visit or call the front desk.
  • If you will be running late, visit or call the front desk.
  • If you need to borrow a device, you may check one out at Tech Lending near the library entrance.
  • If you have an online appointment and experience technical difficulties, call the front desk.

You may call or visit the front desk to schedule your next appointment, or you may schedule your own appointment. You may schedule a maximum of 2 appointments per day per service (writing, course-based tutoring, and skill-based tutoring count as separate appointment services). You may also have a maximum of 2 upcoming appointments per service at any given time.

After 10 minutes, you will be marked as a no-show if:
  1. you have not arrived at the front desk (in-person appointments) or your tutor’s Zoom waiting room (online appointments), and
  2. you have not called the front desk ahead of time
When you are marked a no-show, you will get an email confirmation. After 2 no-shows within 7 days, you will not be able to schedule your own appointments until the 7-day period expires.

Follow the steps below to search for some of the most popular courses supported by free tutoring.

1. Log in to your Fresno State portal
2. Select Class Search
3. Click the green triangle to the left of "Additional Search Criteria"
4. Go to the "Course Attribute" dropdown menu and select "Free tutoring"
5. Go to the "Course Attribute Value" dropdown menu and select "Tutoring avail at Learning Ctr"
6. Click on Search
7. Click the "OK" button when asked whether you would like to continue

Screenshot of search for courses supported by tutoring


Additional Tutoring on Campus

In addition to Tutoring provided by the Learning Center, Fresno State students can use other resources on campus.

Connect with Campus Wide Tutoring

Community Tutoring

We do not refer students to Learning Center tutors for private tutoring. We also do not collect information from students or community members for the purpose of referring students to Learning Center tutors for private tutoring. However, there are free tutoring options offered by various school districts, as well as private tutoring businesses in the area.

Learn of Community Support Options

Tutor Training

Get a sneak peak of a select few Tutor training topics.

Behind the Scenes