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Office of the University Registrar

ARRC Information


Adviser Request Recordkeeping Component (ARRC)
ARRC is an electronic workflow housed in PeopleSoft that is used to route articulation, major substitution, and other requests. ARRC requests can be initiated by anyone with ARRC security as a Requester. All ARRC requests are approved by the department that is in charge of the course or the major program, depending on the request type. 
If you need security in ARRC, as a Requester or an Approver, please complete the following:
1. Confirm that you have the SA Advisor role in PeopleSoft. If you can run a DPR for students, then you should have this role. 
2. Contact, Associate Registrar, Jenny Diaz, by email ( and ask that your security be established. Please include your employee ID number in this request. 
If you need new, or refresher, ARRC training, contact Jenny Diaz ( to set up a time.