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Office of the University Registrar

Priority Registration Application Requests

The purpose of this policy is to define the continuing student registration order and process at Fresno State.  Priority 1 and 2 Group registration applications will remain the purview of the AVP of Strategic Enrollment Management with the advisory of the Strategic Enrollment Management Committee (SEMC).

The SEMC has been working on a registration policy for Fresno State since we are one of few campuses that does not currently have one.  This policy has already been reviewed by AP&P and was submitted to the Academic Senate on 3/12/2023.  Due to the length of time it may take for the policy to be formally approved, SEMC has been approved to pilot the changes effective with spring 2024 registration.  This will allow for more transparency with our priority 1 and 2 registration groups, create an actual process for groups to apply, and make any adjustments necessary before the policy is officially approved.  We welcome your feedback!  Please email if you have any questions or suggestions.


Please note: Priority registration is only available to continuing students. New/incoming students will register for classes on their selected Dog Days New Student Orientation date.

Applications are now available for the next registration cycle, spring 2025!  If approved, groups may need to reapply every two years to keep their priority registration status.  If groups do not take required action by a given deadline, all students in that group will become ineligible for priority registration.

Spring 2025 Priority Registration Application

Deadline for fall term eligibility:  February 1st 

Deadline for spring term eligibility:  September 1st

Before clicking the link, please be prepared to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the total number of students in your group that will be part of this priority registration request?
  2. Does your program/group require students to have schedule adjustments in order to successfully participate?
  3. Do students receive a scholarship for participating in your program/group?
  4. Do you offer priority registration to recruit students in your program/group?
  5. Please upload any documentation or policy that supports your request for priority registration.  It is recommended you also include information regarding limitation (if any) to your groups' student headcount totals.

Emailed decisions to all applicants will include the following information as determined by the Strategic Enrollment Management Committee:

  • Eligible registration group:  Priority 1 (Day 1) or Priority 2 (Day 2-5 based on academic level)
  • Approved term(s):   Fall, Spring, or Both
  • Student Headcount Limits: Based on the group eligibility, it may be subject to a student headcount limit.  If groups need a higher number than what was in their approval, they will need to reapply.
  • The Office of the University Registrar will review approved group numbers each term and contact groups that are over the approved amount.

SEMC will review all applications after the deadline and provide a decision within two weeks.  If approved, your group will have an additional 1-2 weeks to update students in the respective student group in order to grant the priority registration.

Note: Priority registration does not take place for summer or winter semesters.