Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Financial aid
Financial Aid Organizational Chart; August 2018
Financial aid, in its simplest definition, is financial assistance intended to aid students in reaching their educational goals. This assistance may come in a variety of forms such as grants, scholarships, work-study and loan programs.
Our office acts as a clearinghouse for loans, grants, work-study and institutional scholarship programs. In the last academic year our office awarded in excess of $181 million dollars in financial assistance.
The Financial Aid website is intended to provide you with a general overview of financial aid programs. It will guide you through the application process and assist you in establishing and maintaining financial aid eligibility. This process may appear somewhat overwhelming and confusing at times, but our financial aid staff is here to help you.
We are charged with assisting current and prospective students in the process of applying for and receiving financial assistance available from federal, state and institutional sources for their attendance at Fresno State.