Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Financial Aid 101
What you'll find on this page:
- How to Apply for Financial Aid
- FAFSA Simplification: 2024-2025 FAFSA Changes
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- California Dream Act Application
- Scholarships
- Tips for completing your financial aid application
- Next steps after completing your financial aid application
- What financial aid is available for your program
How to Apply For Financial Aid
To apply for aid, you'll first want to start by completing the FAFSA or the California Dream Act Application. Please do not complete them both -- this can cause delays in processing your account. If you aren't sure which application to complete, the California Dream Act Application has some initial questions that will help you determine which application is best for your situation!
The FAFSA or California Dream Act Application are not your final steps -- We always encourage students to apply for all scholarships that they may be eligible for!
The 2024-2025 FAFSA is Changing!
For the most current information, visit our FAFSA Simplification page.
Simplifying the financial aid application process: the FAFSA Simplification Act is an initiative by the United States Department of Education to make applying for federal student aid easier for students. As a result, the 2024-2025 FAFSA was opened in December 2023.
This process is the first major redesign of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) process in over 40 years. It represents a significant overhaul of federal student aid, including the FAFSA form, need analysis, storage of federal student aid application data, and many policies and procedures for schools that participate in the Title IV programs.
The process for the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) will include some of the changes from the new FAFSA, both of which will be implemented for the 2024–2025 award year. All students must complete either the FAFSA or CADAA to be considered for federal student aid.
The Fresno State Financial Aid & Scholarships Office is dedicated to keeping students, families, supporters and our campus community updated. We will continue to update this webpage as we receive more information from the Department of Education and post on our social media pages (Facebook, X, and Instagram @FSfinancialaid).
NOTE: The 2024-2025 FAFSA will not be available until December, due to FAFSA Simplification.
Every October 1st, the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will be available for the upcoming school year. It is important to know that you will need to complete the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application each year to receive federal aid. Only complete one financial aid application – Completing both the FAFSA and the California Dream Act Application can cause significant delays in receiving any financial aid. If you aren’t sure which application to complete, the initial questions on the California Dream Act will let you know which application is best for your situation.
To make sure that we receive your FAFSA, make sure you add our school code: 001147
While you can complete the FAFSA throughout the academic year, our priority deadline is March 2nd before the fall semester.
The FAFSA is based off income and federal tax information from two years prior. You’ll need other personal and income information as well – For a full list of what you may need, view the required documents.
For example: The 2023-2024 FAFSA is for the Fall 2023, Spring 2024, and Summer 2024 semesters. Your (and your parents’) 2021 income and federal tax information is needed.
You (and your parent) will sign the FAFSA electronically using the FSA ID. Keep this information safe, you will need it each year that you complete your FAFSA. Create an FSA ID.
The FAFSA can be completed in one of two ways:
- Online at
- By completing the paper application; download the paper application (under Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Information) and mailing it in to the U.S. Department of Education. The paper application is available in English and Spanish.
NOTE: The fastest, and most recommended way to complete your FAFSA is by completing it online. Mailing the paper FAFSA can cause significant delays in processing.
NOTE: The 2024-2025 CADAA will not be available until December, due to FAFSA Simplification.
Every October 1st, the new California Dream Act Application (CADAA) will be available for the upcoming school year. It is important to know that you will need to complete the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application each year to receive federal aid. Only complete one financial aid application – Completing both the FAFSA and the California Dream Act Application can cause significant delays in receiving any financial aid. If you aren’t sure which application to complete, the initial questions on the California Dream Act will let you know which application is best for your situation.
The California Dream Act Application has a deadline of March 2nd for the upcoming year. If you miss this deadline, you can still apply, but your eligibility may be limited.
You are eligible to complete the California Dream Act Application if you are undocumented, have a valid or expired DACA, are a U Visa holder, have Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and meet the non-resident exemption requirements under AB 540.
The California Dream Act Application can be completed online (this is recommended for faster processing!) or through the paper application.
Check out the California Student Aid Commission’s (CSAC) FAQ on the California Dream Act Application!
You’ll want to check with your high school counselor to ensure that your GPA was uploaded to CSAC by the March 2nd deadline!
Completing the FAFSA or the California Dream Act Application isn’t the only way to get financial aid. Scholarships are a great option because you don’t have to pay them back! They do, however, require a little effort on your part in researching, finding, and applying for them. Here are a few tips to get you started:
- Complete the Fresno State Scholarship Application – It opens the October 1st prior to the upcoming fall semester and closes that following March 2nd. This application gives you the opportunity to apply for a ton of Fresno State Scholarships in just one application!
- Search for private and national scholarship opportunities that you qualify for! They are out there, you just need to take the the time to find them!
- If a scholarship is asking you to pay upfront, you might want to make sure it is a legitimate opportunity.
Keep in mind, a lot of scholarships also require the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application to be completed, so you’ll want to make sure you complete the application that your eligible for!
Tips for completing the FAFSA
- Apply early. Seriously – Our priority application deadline is the March 2nd before the Fall semester. We have additional financial aid opportunities for early applicants!
- If you (and/or your parents) are eligible to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, do it! It pulls your federal tax information directly from the IRS, helping complete the FAFSA faster and reduces your chances of being selected for verification.
- Make sure you answer the questions about your housing plans accurately – Will you live on campus? Off campus, but with a parent? Off campus, not with a parent? These are important questions in determining financial aid!
- Use your legal name and make sure your social security number is correct! Errors in your name and/or social security number can cause issues all along the way. They have to match national databases, including the social security database, and failure to do so can cause rejects in your application. If that doesn’t cause an issue, it can cause issues linking to your account here at Fresno State.
- Complete your FAFSA accurately the first time. Going back and making changes to your FAFSA can cause delays in processing.
- Make sure that we have your social security number on file. If we don’t have your social security number on file here at Fresno State, we can’t link your FAFSA to your account and process.
- If your FAFSA is rejected by the U.S. Department of Education, resolve it as quickly as possible – We can’t process until we receive an approved FAFSA.
Need help completing your financial aid application?
We offer workshops where you can get help from a financial aid team member to complete
your application! Financial aid application workshops will begin in the fall and go
throughout the spring. Follow us on social media for updates on events. If those
workhops do not work for you, you can swing by our office where we have computers
set up and can have a staff available to help you through the process.
After Completing your FAFSA…

- It’s a good idea to request your (and your parents’) federal tax return transcript from the IRS, just in case it is needed. Instructions to request transcripts from the IRS.
- Keep an eye on your my.FresnoState account and Student Center. If you have items on your To Do List, you’ll want to take care of them as soon as possible – they can impact your financial aid processing and disbursement!
- Apply for Scholarships! Scholarships don’t have to be paid back, and a little bit of research can go a long way! Visit our Scholarships page, search for private and national scholarship opportunities, but remember, you shouldn’t have to pay money to receive scholarships.
- Budget – Do you have enough money for college? Do you need to look at other aid opportunities? If so, you can find more information on other loan options here.
What Financial Aid is Available
Financial aid varies based on the program that you are participating in. Please note that financial aid will be delayed if you have financial aid To Do items or holds. California DACA and undocumented students must meet the AB540 residency status to be considered for state and institutional aid programs.
Below are the different financial aid opportunities that an undergraduate student may be eligible for. Please note that students working on a 2nd bachelor’s degree can only be considered for programs indicated with an *.
- Federal Pell Grant
- Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant
- Cal Grant Programs
- State University Grant
- Middle Class Scholarships
- Federal TEACH Grant (Only the following majors)
- Liberal Studies – ITEP Option
- Mathematics – Integrated Credential Option
- Golden State Teacher Grant - (Only the following majors)
- Liberal Studies – ITEP Option
- Mathematics – Integrated Credential Option
- Scholarships*
- Federal Work Study*
- State Learning Aligned Employment Program*
- Federal Direct Loans*
- Nursing Loan (Only Nursing students)*
- Private student loans*
Below are the different financial aid opportunities that a graduate student may be eligible for. Please note that students working on a Psychology Educational Specialist (EdS) degree should refer to the Credential section.
- State University Grant
- Scholarships
- Federal Work Study
- Federal Student Loans
- Private student loans
Below are the different financial aid opportunities that a graduate student may be eligible for.
- Scholarships
- Fresno State Doctoral Grants
- Federal Student Loans
- Private student loans
Below are the different financial aid opportunities that a graduate student may be eligible for.
- Private Student Loans
Below are the different financial aid opportunities that a teaching credential student may be eligible for. Students working on a clear credential can only be considered for aid marked with ***.
- Federal Pell Grant*
- Cal Grant Programs**
- State University Grant
- Middle Class Scholarships
- Golden State Teachers Grant
- Federal TEACH Grant*
- Scholarships
- Federal Work Study
- Federal Direct Loans
- Private student loans***
*Single Subject, Multiple Subject, and Dual Credentials are ineligible programs
**The student must have received a Cal Grant as an undergraduate student within 15 months of starting the credential program and submit a G-44 to CSAC.
The following non-teaching programs are only eligible for the Golden State Teachers Grant and Private Student Loans:
- Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credentials
- Psychology Educational Specialist Degree (EdS)
The following non-teaching programs are only eligible for Private Student Loans:
- Administrative Services Credential
- Reading & Literacy Leadership Specialist Credential
Below are the different financial aid opportunities that a teaching credential student may be eligible for. Students working on the CST Multi Subject Clear Credential can only be considered for aid marked with an *.
- Federal Pell Grant
- Cal Grant Programs
- State University Grant
- Middle Class Scholarships
- Golden State Teachers Grant
- Federal TEACH Grant
- Federal Direct Loans
- Private student loans*
For more information on grants For more information on loans For more information on work study