Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Financial Aid Forms for 2020-2021
Some 2020-2021 To Do items will direct you to our new Student Forms portal. For more information on how to access the Student Forms portal, view information, tutorials and FAQs for accessing Student Forms portal.
Other 2020-2021 Forms will be available as listed below. Please continue to monitor your student center for To Do items that may require a form.
Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021
- Make sure that you are completing the correct academic year documents; we cannot accept forms for different academic years, so if we are requesting a 2020-2021 form, make sure that you are submitting the 2020-2021 version of that form.
- Make sure documents are completed entirely; if something does not apply do not leave it blank - enter N/A or "0".
- Complete all documents in black or dark blue ink; any other color will not show up when we scan the document into our imaging system, which can delay the review of your file.
- Make sure all necessary signatures are there; missing signatures can delay the review of your file.
- If the form is requesting additional attachments, make sure to include them; if additional documents should be attached to the form and they are not, it can delay your file from being processed.
- Make sure your name and ID number are on the top of every page; every form requests this information but please make sure to include your name and ID number on the top of every document, including income and tax documents.
- By e-mail: E-mail attachments to Email attachments to; Please note that documents should be 1MB or smaller.
- By fax; Our fax number is 559-278-4833
- By mail; Mail to Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, 5150 North Maple Ave. M/S JA64, Fresno, CA 93740
- In person; we are located in the North Lobby of the Joyal Administration Building, please see
our Contact Us page for current business hours.
- Dropbox; we have a drop box located in front of Window 1 where you are able to submit your documents without waiting for a staff member.
2020-2021 Forms on our Student Forms Portal
The Student Forms Portal can be found at
Students selected for the Verification process will need to complete their required tasks on our Student Forms Portal before we are able to award/disburse financial aid.
If you need to submit Verification Documents, you will have a To Do item on your Student Center that directs you to our Student Forms Portal.
Students that are not meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements as outlined in our SAP Policy are able to appeal their SAP Status through our Student Forms Portal.
The Higher Education Act allows student financial aid administrators to address unusual circumstances utilizing professional judgment. If you or your family’s financial situation has significantly changed from 2018 (the tax year used on your 2020-2021 aid application), you may request a re-evaluation of your aid eligibility using more current information. The change may result in a revision of your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), which in some cases may increase your financial aid eligibility. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that each review will produce a specific, desired outcome.
- For Fall only: December 4, 2020
- For Fall and Spring or Spring only: April 8, 2021
- For dependency status changes due to marital status: February 26, 2021
To initiate a Professional Judgement (PJ) Appeal:
- The student will need to schedule an appointment with a Financial Aid and Scholarship’s Counselor
- After the counselor appointment, if the circumstances appear to warrant an adjustment, the student will be directed to our Student Forms portal to submit their appeal electronically.
What is needed:
- To submit an appeal you will need to provide:
- Detailed statement describing your special circumstances
- Documentation supporting your circumstances. Submitting as much detailed documentation as possible reduces the need for additional follow up.
NOTE: If you were selected for verification, those documents must be submitted and the process complete, before a PJ appeal can be processed.
Any professional judgement decisions made by Fresno State staff members are final and cannot be appealed to the U.S. Department of Education (ED)
Changes in circumstance which could qualify for review, but are not limited to:
- Layoff/Unemployment
- Disability
- Retirement
- Death
- Divorce/Separation
- Out of pocket medical costs not covered by insurance from between January and December of the prior calendar year. Expenses must not exceed medical expenses as allowed by financial aid regulations.
- Change in the number of family members in the household whom you or your parents provide more than 50% support.
Please note that if it is determined that granting a professional judgement request will not make a change or will negatively impact the student it will be denied and no changes will be made.
The PJ Appeal is previoulsy known as the Projected Year Petition (PYP).
2020-2021 Forms
The following forms can be completed and submitted to our office.
Form Name | Form Description |
Dependency Override Appeal Form | An appeal form for review to become independent on the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application based on unusual circumstances in regards to the student's relationship with parent(s). |
TEACH Grant Request Form |
The TEACH Grant Request Form will be available by the end of August 2020. |
Graduate PLUS Loan Request Form |
If you are a graduate student, you may apply for a Graduate PLUS Loan to help cover the costs of your education. After you have applied for the Graduate PLUS loan at and have been approved, you must submit the Graduate PLUS Loan Request Form to our office in order for the loan to be processed. In order to be eligible, you do need to be in at least 6 units. |
Private Loan Request Form |
After you or your parent have applied for and been approved for a private loan through your chosen lender, you must submit a Private Loan Request Form to our office in order for the loan to be processed. |
Student Statement | |
Parent Statement | |
Loan Adjustment Form | To have your subsidized or unsubsidized loan adjusted, please complete this form. |
Parent PLUS Loan Adjustment Form | To have your Parent PLUS Loan adjusted, please have your parent borrower complete this form. |
Graduate PLUS Loan Adjustment Form | To have your Graduate PLUS Loan adjusted, please complete this form. |
Private Loan Adjustment Form | To have your private loan adjusted, please complete this form. |
Privacy Release Form (Retired) |
This Privacy Release Form has been retired – Any privacy release forms submitted prior to September 21, 2020 will expire on December 31, 2020. Students that wish to allow a third person access to their financial aid and scholarship information can do so by logging into your Student Center and selecting the “Authorize to Release” hyperlink in the “My Personal Information” section. For a quick video on this process, please visit the FERPA Website. |
Department of Homeland Security Acceptable Documentation |
Acceptable documentation for students: