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Student Involvement

Policies Related to Fraternities and Sororities

The information below outlines the University expectations and policies for fraternities and sororities to remain in compliance and good standing with the University. Included is the organizational review process, student organization procedures, university policies, and the organizations currently under review or sanctions.


This is the university's policy on hazing and the possible sanctions that can be put in place if the policy is broken.

Student Organization Handbook

This comprehensive handbook will provide information on items such as: maintaining recognition, use of facilities on campus, funding, banking services, and role of an advisor

Student Organization Conduct Review Process

The review may be conducted regarding specific violations and/or factors that contribute to a violation of university policies or actions that are against state or federal laws.

Alcoholic Beverages Policy

To learn more about alcohol use on campus, prevention and assistance programs, university limitations, and laws and regulations open this document.

Expansion and Recognition Process

Manage My Chapter

  • Grade Release 

    Use this form to add members to your chapters academic grade report prepared at the end of each semester. (Submit to the Student Involvement Center)
  • Academic Information Confidentiality Statement

    This form must be completed by the chapter president and chapter/faculty/staff advisor in order to receive the chapter grade reports. (Submit to the Student Involvement Center)

  • New Member Hazing Acknowledgement

    This form is to be sign by all New Members in acknowledgment of Fresno State's Anti-Hazing policy. (Submit to the Student Involvement Center)





Fresno State does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, or sexual orientation in its education programs or activities. Title IX protects all people regardless of their gender or gender identity from sex discrimination, which includes sexual harassment and violence.

For reporting or more information, please call 559.278.2032 or visit the Title IX website.


ATOD Website


Organizational Reviews


There are no current sanctions in place.

Organizations that have lost affiliation with the University 

  • Upsilon Kappa Delta // August 2018, Hazing activity and reported. Recognition will not be considered prior to September 2020.  
  • Sigma Omega Phi // March 2018, Hazing activity reported and reviewed. Recognition will not be considered prior to June 2020. 
  • Gamma Zeta Alpha //  February 2013, Hazing activity reported and reviewed. Recognition will not be considered prior to March 2015.
  • Theta Chi // September 2012, Alcohol to member resulting in a death. Recognition will not be considered prior to November 2017. 
  • Lambda Theta Alpha // March 2011, Hazing activity reported. Recognition will not be considered prior to August 2014
  • Phi Gamma Delta // February 2006, Alcohol to member resulting in a death. Recognition will not be considered prior to Fall 2010. 

 Organizations not affiliated due to Title 5 non-compliance 

  • ΑΓΩ - Alpha Gamma Omega (Christian affiliation required of members to hold leadership position)

  • ΑΔΧ - Alpha Delta Chi (Christian affiliation required of all members)