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Student Involvement

Frequently Asked Questions

The Basics of Club Sports

Find out where club sports fit within the greater sphere of college sports and learn how to join one!

A club sport is a recognized student organization formed by individuals with a common interest in a sport activity that exists to promote, develop interest, and take part in competition. Clubs may be instructional, recreational and/or competitive, and are affiliated with a National Governing Body (NGB) or Regional Governing Body (RGB) where such a body exists. These clubs are student-initiated and student-run, allowing great opportunities for club members to partake in leadership roles and decision-making.

Club Sports: Club sport teams are established and run by students. Club officers and members are in charge of organizing and managing team practices, meetings, competitions, budgets, and fundraisers. Club sport teams practice multiple times per week and may travel to compete against other schools’ club sport teams.

Intramurals: Intramurals are run by the University Recreation Center and consist of Fresno State students competing against one another in organized leagues and tournaments on campus.

Varsity Athletics: Varsity athletics are housed by Fresno State Athletics and compete in NCAA competition.

The following shall be considered the minimum requirements for individuals to participate in Fresno State Club Sports:

  • All regularly enrolled matriculated students (undergraduate and graduate) are eligible to join a club sport.
  • Graduate students, faculty or staff may be restricted from league or association competition, so please check with that league or association in advance of competition for eligibility guidelines.
  • Members of the community are not eligible to be members of a club sport.
  • Intercollegiate athletes are not eligible to participate in a club sport.
  • No prior experience is needed.
  • The governing body of a sport may have additional eligibility requirements. Many sports have specific standards for collegiate competition. Please check with that league or association in advance of competition for eligibility guidelines.

The following is an outline to complete membership as a club sport athlete:

  1. Contact the team representative of the sport that you are interested in participating in.
  2. Participate in team try-outs if required by desired team.
  3. Pay membership due if applicable
  4. Register with the Student Involvement Office as a member of the club

Starting Your Own Club Sport Team

From requirements to advertising, discover more about making your own team.

In order to be recognized as a Club Sport, candidates for the Club Sports Program must first meet the criteria outlined below. The Club Sports Administrators and Club Sports Council have the discretion to determine if the following criteria have been met:

  • The club must submit a goal and objectives statement that is physical and athletic in nature.
  • The club cannot significantly duplicate an existing sport club or other campus program.
  • The club must be affiliated with a national or regional governing body.
  • The club must be recognized by the Office of Student Involvement.
  • A contact list of the Club Sport’s Executive Board must be provided, including President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Safety Officer.
  • The club must identify a Safety Officer who is a Club Member.
  • The club, its officers, and its members are subject to the requirements set forth in the Student Organization Handbook.
  • All members of the club must be registered via OrgSync with complete profile information.
  • The club must have enough members to field a team for a team sport or the minimum number of participants needed for competition.
  • The club must propose an annual calendar of activities.
  • The club must demonstrate financial stability by submitting a proposed budget.
  • The club must have access to a safe, suitable practice venue for the sport as determined by the club’s Safety Officer, and inventoried equipment must be available such that the club can meet, practice, and hold competitions.
  • During the first year of its organization, the Club must have a representative attend 100% of the Club Sports Council meetings as a provisional member without voting rights.
  • The Club Sports Program reserves the right to define sufficient membership.

It is recommended that conditioning for individuals and the team take place through physical workouts and health education. Services are available at the Student Reaction Center and may include providing one-on-one personal training opportunities, fitness classes, nutritional and dietary analysis, and personal fitness profiles. A comprehensive conditioning program can both enhance performance and prevent injury.

One option to allow for more participation within a club is to create positions and/or committees to allow more members to be involved in club governance and normal operations. Such committees may assist the club in recruiting new members, special events, developing budgets, alumni relations, etc.

Possible club committees:

  • Public Relations – Committee alerts the local media of events and results. Uses PR for recruitment on campus and reports club accomplishments to the Club Sports Office.
  • Alumni – Committee keeps track of past alumni, alumni newsletters, solicits donations and plans alumni events.
  • Inventory – Committee checks the equipment to make sure that it is not lost or damaged, and reports status to Club Sports Office.
  • Historian –  Member takes pictures, collects articles and keeps the scrapbook up to date.
  • Social – Committee provides the members with social outlets other than the usual club activities, ranging from intramural teams to trips to the beach.

Club Website: 
Each club has the option of creating their own personal website which can be linked to the Fresno State Clubs Sports main page. Personal club websites need to be maintained by club members and should follow University guidelines. Individual Club Sport sites are provided through each team’s OrgSync account which provides both profile and public websites.

Fliers and Signs:
Fliers and signs can be made and distributed through the Club Sports Office, the Club Sports booth, and in the free speech area. If a club wishes to design their own fliers and distribute them, they must follow the proper guidelines per University regulations. All materials must have the Club Sports logo visible. Some restrictions may apply depending on job size and time constraints.

Facebook and Other Social Medias:
Facebook is a simple, effective way to reach large numbers of people for recruitment, game updates, and club notifications. All social media outlets representing a Fresno State Club Sport must adhere to University policies and guidelines and remain professional. Fresno State Club Sports also has a Facebook account and encourages teams to join their network to help increase promotion of team events and activities. 

Sports Clubs may hold business meetings in academic classrooms or the Resnick Student Union (RSU). The Reservation Center is responsible for the scheduling of any RSU meeting rooms. To book a room, visit the Reservation Center located in the RSU room 217 or contact them at 559.278.6024.

Sports Clubs wishing to reserve a space for a promotional table or to hang a banner must contact Student Involvement Center at 559.278.2741.