University Advising Center
Coordinated Referrals
Referring student(s) to additional support and services
As educators, our emphasis on student care is some of the key components to ensuring
their academic success. In keeping with our mission to educate and empower students
for success let us together help students by referring students to additional support
and services. Additionally, you can request an advising appointment with an academic advisor from
the advising center on behalf of the student. This referral will be sent to the department’s
front desk which will follow up with the student to make an appointment.
Coordinated Referrals
Academic Advising Referrals
Coordinated Referrals can easily refer a student to support offices such as:
When a Referral Should Be Made
Academic Success Coaching is an academic coaching program aimed to help students build college-level study skills as they navigate Fresno State. By connecting with an Academic Coach students will gain:
An accountability partner
Exam preparation strategies
Study strategy enrichment
Strategies to set boundaries and prioritize tasks
Connection to other campus departments and so much more!!!
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
3 outreaches are conducted
(1) Campaign email to student within 24 hours except for weekends that allow students to schedule an appointment with an Academic Coach and a brief statement letting students know they are being connected by a faculty or staff member to ASC.
(2) Phone call (within the week the referral is received) and
(3) Another phone call two weeks after receiving the referral. If the outreach attempt was successful, the case is assigned to an Academic Coach who will be meeting with the student.
When Referral Will Be Closed
Referrals are closed when students have met with an Academic Coach and at the end of the month for students who have not responded to outreaches or now showed/canceled after additional outreach attempts.
When a Referral Should Be Made
CalFresh is a nutrition assistance program that helps low-income individuals and families buy the food they need. CalFresh dollars help stretch a tight food budget and help many people afford to incorporate healthy foods like fruit and vegetable into their diets.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an automated email with information about how to apply to CalFresh.
When a Referral Should Be Made
Career Development Center (CDC) can review resumes, do a mock interview, and discuss future opportunities. Check out online resources here to explore your interests and career pathways. The CDC's mission is to educate, prepare, and connect students for career and lifelong success.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an email from a CDC staff (based on academic major/college) assigned to the case. Two attempts will be made to inquire about the student's career-related needs and to schedule an appointment.
When Referral Will Be Closed
The case will be closed by the CDC staff assigned one attempt.
When a Referral Should Be Made
Center for Essential Needs is here to help students reach their academic and personal goals by addressing their day to day needs. We offer an extensive Case Management program with individualized support to students. Consider a referral to our program to address the following but not limited to: housing needs, financial resources, meal vouchers, personal care items, stress management, counseling/student groups, life skills training, navigating community resources, etc. If the resource you need is not listed please reach out to our office. They can help!
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
A staff member will conduct 3-4 outreach attempts through email and phone calls. If a student does not request staff will send a final email with resources connections.
When Referral Will Be Closed
Referrals are closed if students do not respond after 3-4 outreach attempts or immediately after a student has responded. The reason for closing the case will be identified using a corresponding drop-down option.
When a Referral Should Be Made
The Professional Clothing Closet is available to all students. Students are allowed to take three professional clothing items for free.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an automated email with information about how to best get in touch with the office/service.
When a Referral Should Be Made
Cross-Cultural and Gender Center (CCGC) exists to contribute significantly to the continued development of a safe and welcoming environment for the Fresno State community. CCGC fosters meaningful dialogue and activism that works to eliminate racism, sexism, heterosexism, and other forms of oppression. Their values are based on the feminist principles of equality, intersectionality, and human rights. The center is a community that works toward creating an atmosphere where students, faculty, staff, and administrators are empowered and supported in their efforts to lead successful lives -- academically, professionally, and personally.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an automated email with information about how to best get in touch with the office/service.
When a Referral Should Be Made
This is a center completely dedicated to serving our AB540/Undocumented/DACA students as well as students under asylum or other mixed immigration statuses. Consider a referral to the Dream Success Center if the student can benefit from one of these services. Legal consultation with expert immigration attorneys. Assistance in completing the CA Dream Act Application. Personal development and emotional support. Residency Exemption Forms/Questionnaire Guidance and referrals for career opportunities regardless of immigration status.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
A staff member will conduct 3-4 outreach attempts by email and/or phone calls. If a student does not respond, staff will send a final email with resources the students can benefit from.
When the Referral Will Be Closed
The referral will be closed if the student does not respond after the 3-4 outreach attempts or immediately after a student has responded and a meeting has been scheduled.
When a Referral Should Be Made
The Financial Aid and Scholarships office is happy to help students navigate the financial aspects of their college career.
What Action Will Take Place After the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an automated email with information about how to best get in touch with the office/service. The student will be able to make an appointment with a Financial Aid Counselor.
When a Referral Should Be Made
Graduate Student Success Center
If a professor or advisor feels a student might benefit from our services.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
One of the GSSC supervisors will assess the request and find the service that best suits the student.
When the Referral Will Be Closed
Once the referee is satisfied that the student no longer needs our services/needs to have the students' progress monitored.
When a Referral Should Be Made
Prospective Graduate Students interested in pursuing a graduate degree at Fresno State
The university offers 54 graduate degree programs which include a Doctorate in Educational Leadership, a Doctorate in Physical Therapy, a Doctor of Nursing Practice, an Educational Specialist degree, and multiple master's degree programs. The university also offers 7 certificates of advanced study.
Refer students over so they review application deadlines, admissions requirements, degree program details, and general information about the campus and surrounding area.
What Action Will Take Place After the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an automated email with information about how to best get in touch with the office/service.
When a Referral Should Be Made
Topic selection and search design
Librarians can help students narrow or broaden their topic to fit the scope of the assignment and demonstrate how to translate a research question into a search strategy.
Finding sources
Whether it’s finding peer-reviewed research, primary sources, or other discipline-specific resources, librarians will work with students to identify the best tools for finding the information they need.
Avoiding plagiarism
Skillfully integrating outside sources into an assignment takes practice. Librarians can help by reviewing best practices for proper citation and formatting, and going over writing techniques for summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting sources in their papers.
What Action Will Take Place After the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an email with links to the most important information for their needs, including library tutorials, FAQs, and research guides; contact information for subject specialist librarians so the student can follow up with their librarian; and 24-hour resources, including live chat. Librarians will also reach out to referred students at midterms and finals to check in with additional resources and programming.
When a Referral Should Be Made
Money Management Center (MMC) wants to improve the financial well-being of students by providing educations, financial counseling, tools, and solutions to achieve greater financial independence, which leads to students' success.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an email from the MMC staff assigned to the case. An attempt will be made to inquire about their money-related matters and to schedule an appointment.
When Referral Will Be Closed
The case will be closed by the MMC staff assigned one attempt.
When a Referral Should Be Made
The Parent Scholar Initiative aims to support the unique challenges faced by student parents: balancing school, work and parenting responsibilities, managing the cost of education, finding reliable childcare and a supportive community. Consider a referral to our program to help a student determine if they are eligible for priority registration, get connected to campus and community resources and events for Parent Scholars and their families such as resource fairs, giveaways, holiday and graduation celebrations, and more.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an email introducing them to Parent Scholar support services and how to reach a member of our team.
When a Referral Should Be Made
Programs for children offers Early Care and Education services Monday - Friday from 7:30am-5:30pm. Programs for children was created to be a support for students in the process of completing their degree. We service children ages 3 months to 5years old year around and school age children in the summer ages 5-12 years old.
The majority of our program is reserved for Fresno State student parents. All students receive free or reduced services based on family size, income or units enrolled.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an email with information about how to best get in touch with the office/service.
When a Referral Should Be Made
Project Rebound is a student support services program at Fresno State (an many other CSU campuses)
that supports anyone who has been incarcerated, to use education as a tool to successfully
change their trajectory. We provide direct case management, referrals on and off campus,
and minor financial support (food vouchers, assistance with textbooks, parking costs)
for enrolled Fresno State students. We help students clean up their criminal background,
and help them move forward in their reintegration process successfully. We work with
students who were incarcerated recently, or a long time ago. We work with them regardless
of their charges, or where they were incarcerated at, or for how long. We intentionally
help create a student identity for these students.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
A staff member will conduct 3-4 outreach attempts through email and phone calls. If
contact is made, we will send the student an intake form, schedule an intake interview,
and incorporate them into our program. If a student is not contacted, we will put
them on a potential list and a staff member will reach out to them at the beginning
of each semester, if they are still enrolled.
When Referral Will Be Closed
Referrals are closed if a student does not respond after 3-4 attempts or immediately
after a student has completed the intake process. The reason for closing the case
will be identified using a corresponding drop-down option.
When a Referral Should Be Made
The Richter Center provides information and referral services that help students engage in community service and service-learning activities that will benefit them personally, professionally, and academically. This includes information on traditional volunteer opportunities, support for students in service-learning classes, and information on paid service opportunities.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an email from the Richter Center staff providing additional information relevant to their needs. Students will also be provided an opportunity to speak directly with a staff member for more in-depth, personalized assistance.
When the Referral Will Be Closed
The case will be closed by Richter Center staff assigned one attempt.
When a Referral Should Be Made
Who qualifies for Services for Students with Disabilities?
Students of Fresno State who are enrolled and have a documented disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 are eligible for services through the SSD office. An individual with a disability shall refer to:
- Any person who has a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual
- Any person who has a record of such impairment
- Any person who is regarded as having such an impairment
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
Three to four outreaches conducted via phone and email. First outreach is made after the initial referral is received. Follow-up emails are sent over the next couple of weeks with information on how to set up an appointment.
When Referral Will Be Closed
Once contact is made with the student or after multiple attempts to reach out to the student the case will be closed. Due to the confidential nature of the referrals, no notes will be made in the case. The reason for closing the case will be identified using a corresponding drop-down option.
When a Referral Should Be Made
The Food Security Program aims to provide current Fresno State students with food and other basic needs in an effort to empower our students to succeed academically. The Student Cupboard is a free food and hygiene pantry for currently enrolled Fresno State students.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an automated email with information about how to best get in touch with the office/service.
When a Referral Should Be Made
The Student Health and Counseling Center's mission is to promote the academic and personal success of Fresno State students by encouraging the maintenance of healthy lifestyles and providing affordable and accessible health and psychological care. Consider a referral for students who may need medical or counseling services.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an automated email with information about how to best get
in touch with the office/service.
When a Referral Should Be Made
The mission for Student Involvement is to cultivate community and foster engagement to promote co-curricular learning through support and teamwork, service, growth and learning, leadership, and inclusion. Consider a referral to Student Involvement if students want to develop leadership skills, make friends, and enhance their Fresno State experience by getting involved.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
Three to four outreaches conducted via phone and email. The first outreach will be made after the initial referral is received. The first email will provide resources then follow up with a phone call.
When Referral Will Be Closed
Referrals are closed if the student does not respond after 3-4 outreach attempts or immediately after the student has responded and been connected with the proper staff member/resources.When a Referral Should Be Made
Making a referral to the Student Rec Center can be beneficial for several reasons including stress relief, social interactions, and building on overall health and wellness goals. Students have access to strength and cardio equipment, open recreation areas such as basketball and volleyball courts, and programs like Intramural Sports and Group Fitness
What Action Will Take Place After the Referral Is Made
Staff members will contact the students through phone calls and email. If a student does not respond a final email will be sent with SRC resources.
When a Referral Should Be Made
All Fresno State students in good standing qualify to study abroad regardless of major or background. Consider a referral to Study Abroad if student want to look for new education experience, develop leadership and self confidence skills, and enhance their Fresno State experience by getting involved internationally.
What Action Will Take Place After the Referral Is Made
First outreach is made after the initial referral is received. Follow-up emails are sent over the next couple of days with information on how to set up an appointment to talk to an advisor to review study abroad program options.
When Referral Will Be Closed
Referrals are closed if the student does not respond after 3-4 outreach attempts or immediately after the student has responded and been connected with the Study Abroad Advisor.
When a Referral Should Be Made
We're Your Learning Center
A referral is appropriate if you would like to recommend that students use academic support services like Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction (SI). These services are designed for all students, but may have particular benefit for students who have found it difficult to rely only on class lecture. Tutoring and SI services are peer-led, interactive, and flexible to accommodate diverse topics and assignments.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
The student will receive an automated email with information about how to best get in touch with the office/service.
Email 1: Intro to services
Email 2: Checking in; remember services (mid-semester)
Email 3: Hope semester went well remember our services for next semester
When a Referral Should Be Made
Who qualifies for Veteran referrals?
Fresno State student who are currently utilizing Veteran GI benefits to assist with their education. This may include veterans and/or their dependents. These are also additional resources available through the Student Support Services Veterans (SSSV) program for veterans students. Certain campus policies and procedures should be discussed with the Veterans Resources Center before initiating changes to a student's degree plan. Examples of existing services the campus provides to Veteran students are:
- Certifying for Veteran Education Benefits (VRC)
- Assistance with Priority Registration (VRC)
- Change of Major or registration questions (VRC)
- Adding/dropping classes or a change in unit load (VRC)
- Assistance with other on-campus or off-campus resources (VRC and SSSV)
- College acclimation and academic support (SSSV)
- Grand aid/scholarship opportunities for Veterans, and external resource connections (SSSV)
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
The Veterans Resource Center Administrative Support Coordinator will review the referral and determine the appropriate office(s) to reach out to the student. If the referral is not clear, the student will be contacted by the Support Coordinator to assess their needs. Follow-up emails or calls are done over the next couple of weeks with information on how to set up an appointment with either the Veterans Resource Center or Student Support Services Veterans office.
When Referral Will Be Closed
Once contact is made with the student or after multiple attempts to reach out to the student the case will be closed. Due to the potential confidential nature of the referrals, only general notes will made in the case. The reason for closing the case will be identified using a corresponding drop-down option.
When a Referral Should Be Made
Understanding your assignment: We can help your student understand your assignment by reading closely and breaking it down into parts. We then help them find a place to get started.
Revising their drafts: Writing tutors are trained to ask questions and look at the structure of your students' drafts in ways that will help them see what choices they have about what to add, cut, or move around.
Error: Tutors are trained to help with grammar, punctuation, and formatting. But, out tutors are looking for patterns to try and help your students deal with their own recurring errors or common mistakes they make.
What Action Will Take Place after the Referral Is Made
The student will receive a personalized email with information about how to get in touch with the office/service and make a plan for working with a writing tutor either one-on-one or in a semester long writing group.
When Referral Wil Be Closed
The case closed after an email sent to the student.
Expanding Coordinated Referrals
The adage “it takes a village” is often applied to challenging but worthy missions, and no initiative on campus is more important than ensuring that students succeed. When the “village” comes together, students are more likely to see a return on their investment in education. With Bulldog Connect, those who play a role in student success are coming together to support students in more efficient, intelligent, and meaningful ways. For more information please review this article.
If your program is interested in being part of the network please take some time to fill out the form. Once the form is completed someone will reach out for training and to formally set up the referral.

I use coordinated referrals when students are struggling or on their way to failing the class. I also use referrals when I'm concerned about a student's well-being. It's a good way to direct resources to students who are in need of help. For students who respond when they are contacted, coordinated referrals are helpful. Several students have received help with time management and/or health services. Students who may have dropped out of class because they'd given up get tips on how to communicate with their professors and are able to re-engage and pass the class.

Coordinated Referrals makes the referral process much simpler. It eliminates extra steps for the student and ensures that the appropriate office will reach out to the student instead of relying on the student to find time in their busy schedule to initiate contact with the appropriate office. In my experience, I found that students find the process much less intimidating knowing that someone will be contacting them instead of the student having to initiate the contact. I love that I can quickly refer a student to the necessary services and know that they will be contacted and I will receive notification once the student's case has been closed.