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Dog Days

Frequently Asked Questions

Triangle statue on campus


  1. Where do I park for Dog Days?
  2. Where do I check-in for Dog Days?
  3. How long is a Dog Days session?
  4. Is childcare available at Dog Days?
  5. How do I make a reservation for Dog Days?
  6. Refund policy
  7. Reschedule policy
  8. Cancellation policy
  9. How do I pay for the guest that is attending Dog Days with me?
  10. How do I remove a guest that is no longer attending Dog Days with me?
  11. Why does the University "expect" me to attend orientation?
  12. What will I get by attending Dog Days?
  13. I am in a program that has its own orientation. Should I attend Dog Days also?
  14. I am an International Student, do I attend Dog Days?
  15. I have special vision, mobility, or communication needs, what can I do?
  16. I live out-of-state and/or can't make it to campus for Dog Days. What should I do?
  17. Does Dog Days have a Veteran's Orientation?
  18. Why is there a fee for Dog Days?
  19. How long is a Dog Days session?
  20. I’d like to change my major. How do I do that?
  21. Can I see an academic advisor before Dog Days?
  22. What if I still have questions about Dog Days?

Dog Days contact information below: 

559.278.4885  |

On your Orientation Day

Q. Where do I park for Dog Days?

A. Prior to your scheduled Dog Days Orientation, students attending in-person will be emailed a code which can be used in the PayByPhone mobile app which the campus uses for parking. This code provides a daily parking permit which is included in your fee.


Q.  Where do I check-in for Dog Days?

A . The Dog Days check-in process will take place at the Resnick Student Union for summer orientation. Check-in for winter orientations will take place at the Satellite Student Union.


Q. How long is a Dog Days session?

A.  In-person Dog Days begin at 8:00am and end at 3:30pm. 


Q. Is childcare available at Dog Days?

A. No, unfortunately Dog Days does not provide childcare services for students attending orientation. We encourage you to make alternate childcare arrangements, as your Dog Days session is a full day of activities and often too long for younger children.



Q. How do I make a reservation for Dog Days?

A. All reservations are made through your student portal at . Students must first "accept" your admission to the university prior to making your Dog Day reservation. 


Q. Refund policy

A. The $70 Dog Days fee NOT refundable. The $25 guest fee is also, NOT refundable. You can contact the Dog Days office for more information at or 559.278.4885.


Q. Reschedule policy

A. We understand that sometimes, "things come up," and you may need to reschedule your orientation date. If you call the Dog Days office 559.278.4885 or email no later than 10 days prior to your scheduled session date we can accommodate you on another date.


Q. Cancellation policy

A. Students who make a reservation but no longer plan on attending Fresno State must email the Dog Days Office to cancel your reservation. Any reservations with a balance due will be sent to collections.

Please call the Dog Days office (559.278.4885) for more information. You can also contact us through email at .


Q.How do I pay for the guest that is attending Dog Days with me?

A. The $25 guest fee for Dog Days can be paid through the Fresno State CASHNet system or through the Cashiers Office windows. Guest fees are NOT refundable. Please make sure to register a guest prior to making a payment. Space fills up quickly and sometimes we cannot admit guests who are not pre-registered due to space limitations.


Q. How do I remove a guest that is no longer attending Dog Days with me?

A. In order to remove a guest, you must contact the Dog Days office. You can contact us by telephone at 559.278.4885 or e-mail us at Please remember to include your Fresno State ID number in all correspondences. Guest fees are NOT refundable.



General Questions

Q. Why does the university "expect" me to attend orientation?

A . Dog Days: New Student Orientation is mandatory for all incoming freshmen and transfer students. Freshmen and transfer students who do not attend orientation are subject to have their admission to the university rescinded.

Research indicates that new students who attend an orientation session stay in school, get better grades, graduate sooner and are more satisfied with their college experience. California State University, Fresno wants each entering student to have the tools necessary in order to succeed. Attending an orientation program is the best way to obtain these tools.


Q. What will I get by attending Dog Days?

A. By attending Dog Days, you will receive many different tools and benefits to help you succeed in your stay at Fresno State. Some of these include:

  • General education advising

  • Major academic advising (summer orientations only)

  • Students will meet with a major advisor and receive an academic roadmap. This is your opportunity to connect with an advisor within your department and make an appointment for one-on-one advising.(Due to the large number of students attending each session, you will not receive one-on-one major advising the day of your Orientation)

  • Campus tours

  • Opportunity to meet other students in your major

  • Class registration (as long as there are no holds on your student account)

  • And much more!


Q. I am in a program that has its own orientation. Should I attend Dog Days also?

A. All incoming students are required to attend Dog Days. Dog Days orients you to the university as a whole, covering such areas as academic requirements, registration procedures, campus life and student resources. In addition, Dog Days offers an early registration appointment to all eligible students who attend the entire orientation day.

If you are a part of any of the following programs you should contact their office for assistance to determine when your Dog Days will be held.

For more information, we recommend you speak with someone in your program regarding when your specific Dog Days will take place in addition to your program's orientation.


Q. I am an International Student, do I attend Dog Days?

A. Orientation for International students is conducted by the International Student Services and Programs Office. Call 559.278.2782 for your orientation details.




Q. I have special vision, mobility or communications needs, what can I do?

A. Please notify our office a minimum of seven working days before your session date to inform us if you have any special needs or dietary restrictions. In cooperation with Services for Students with Disabilities we will be able to make the arrangements necessary to accommodate you and your trip to Fresno State. Services are available for students. We are sometimes able to provide services to guests in attendance on a limited basis.


Q. I live out-of-state and/or can't make it to campus for Dog Days. What should I do?

A. A time intensive online version of Dog Days is only available for students who, due to extenuating circumstances, are unable to make it to an on-campus Dog Days session. Please call or email us for further information regarding Dog Days: Online Orientation.


Q. Does Dog Days have a Veteran's Orientation?

A. No. In the past Dog Days provided an orientation specifically for military connected students which has been discontinued. Veteran students will attend the applicable freshmen or transfer student orientation. For information please contact the Dog Days office at 559.278.4885.



Q. Why is there a fee for Dog Days?

A. The Dog Days fee is $70 for students and $25 for in-person guests pays for staffing, materials, rooms, parking, food to name a few items. Dog Days fees are NOT refundable.


Q. How long is a Dog Days session?

A. Student programming begins at  8:00am - 3:30pm for all Dog Days. Guests and families attend a separate, concurrent program although some portions overlap so that students and their guest can be together.


Academic Advising

Q. I’d like to change my major. How do I do that?

A. To formally change your major with the university, visit the Office of the University Registrar's webpage. Change of majors are not processed until after Dog Days.

Major changes are NOT permitted on Dog Days unless previously authorized. Students can contact the Dog Days office to find out more information.


Q. Can I see an academic advisor before Dog Days?

A. No. All students will meet with their Academic Advisors at Dog Days to discuss general education requirements and requirements relevant to your major. Once a student completes Dog Days, they are welcome to make a 1:1 appointment with their Academic Advisor within their respective college advising center. 


Q. What if I still have questions about Dog Days?

A. Feel free to call our office at 559.278.4885 or email us with any questions you may have: .

We're here for you! Dog Days also has a Facebook account under Fresno State Dog Days

or Instagram at FresnoStateDogDays.